Monday, December 10, 2007

Blogging is a habit..

So, I guess that if you don't blog often, you don't blog at all. I will now make an effort to blog, more often.

That being said, I'm going to get back on track.

Seriously, the writer's strike is killing me. First they end Heroes early, then they delay 24. Now we may not have Lost for a while and Family Guy might be done for good. I can't imagine how bad the movies are going to be that get released a year form now if this doesn't stop soon. Is there not enough money in Hollywood to go around? Perhaps George Clooney can live on $9mil instaed of $10mil? Can you imagine if all Windows Systems Engineers went on strike? How about just Exchange Administrators..

I guess I need to buy more DVDs or something. Maybe Netflix can follow the IRS's lead and say "Click here to donate $1 of you subscription to the Writer's Guild."

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